We try to do family pictures every year. Some years they come out fabulous. And some years I just want to wring a few necks. ;)
This year I got two photos I love:
We were trying to fit in pictures at the end of the day, so there wasn't a lot of light. My aperture was waaaaaay open and the shutter was a teensy bit too slow. But I love these. Worth the trip.
I also captured this series. Cracks me up.
I think I need to print that one.
Those are indeed awesome.
OK...You should post more often. Love the few that I read as I randomly got your blog. Loved the comment of wanting to wring a few necks..been there. Also the name change. Our Elizabeth was Beth at birth, then nicknamed Libby, became Liz in 4th grade. Liz has stuck, except her nieces and nephews call her Bibby. Go figure!!!! Ah..we adore her no matter what name she goes by and she's an adult. Keep writing and I'll read. Jill
Very interesting family photos.Quite a funny family.
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