Wednesday, May 10, 2006


Just a layout I did this afternoon.

journaling reads: Maybe it's because we've learned to pick our battles. Maybe it's because she doesn't exactly ask. Maybe it's because we don't want to trigger a meltdown. Maybe it's that 7:30 am isn't the best time for mommy. Maybe she's just too cute to say no to. Whatever the reason, my 20 month old has taken to eating her breakfast (of dry cereal) on the floor in front of the television. It's highly apparent that we have become . . . permissive in our old age.

ETA: yes, I noticed the spelling error. It's all fixed now, thanks to UnDo. Please imagine a cute polka dot r between the e and the m. Thank you.


Anonymous said...

WOW! What will you be like when you become a grandma?

Anonymous said...

Would she sit there if the tv was off? I am just curious. Oh and Benjamin wants to know the name of the Sarah's back up song. Any chance she may be willing to do a preview for us this weekend?

Tracey Lee said... friend...we are truly scary alike!

Aaron's favorite "snack" spot is me dumping raisins on the seat of a chair for him.

OH MY....what WILL we be like as grandparents?