Wednesday, July 27, 2005

Who Needs Typepad

Not me! ok, so it would have been a heck of a lot easier at Typepad, but I got myself a custom banner. Pretty snazzy huh? Thanks to a link to Lindsay Teague's blog, I can now change my banner anytime I want. Once you get the coding set up it's a pretty easy change. And since I was already messing with my coding, I added some links on the side just for fun. One of these days I'll figure out how to do the cool links to music or books like Lindsay has, but today is not that day. I can get the hyperlink for the webpage for the book, but my book image comes up as a litte red x. I will have to play more with that. The coding that I stole off Linsay's blog was very long and complex.

anyway, you may all oooh and aaaah over my cute baby now. 1 . . . 2 . . . 3 . . . now! aaaaaahhh!


Helena said...

That is the cutest picture!

April said...

She's so cute, Amy!

Anonymous said...


Christy said...

OOOOhhh, Ahhhhh! That is a great banner, Amy! Super job!