Friday, November 18, 2005

short term memory problems

I keep thinking of things throughout my day that would make a good blog entry. Of course, five minutes later the idea is gone. You will all have to pretend then that this is a brilliant entry that really changed how you view life . . . . ok, never mind. for brilliancy in writing you can read Cathy Zeilke's short tretise on passion. I loved it. Or you can get some great ideas for creative inspiration from Keri Smith (the Live Out Loud author.)

my goal is to work on something creative everyday. I did it yesterday. a really simple layout of the lighthouse we visited on the WA coast. Our vacation album is 6x6 and my main album is 12x12, but I wanted to play with this design.


Anonymous said...

Oh I love it. Man, glad to hear I am not the only one with a one minute memory. I do that all the time with my blog.

Carin said...

amy that is loverly!

Helena said...

So pretty!

Anonymous said...

It may be simple, but it sure is effective! (And pretty!)